Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth

The Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth is an initiative of CREDC launched in 2019 to assist various public and private partners from across Chautauqua County with projects associated with economic development.


CCPEG is a program of CREDC that receives input and guidance from a volunteer advisory board, consisting of leaders from both the private and public sector, representing various communities from across Chautauqua County. It is able to achieve its goals and objectives, including assisting dozens of its community partners, with a small support staff, assistance from Chautauqua County Department of Planning & Development, and the help of five separate Work Groups composed of members from across the county. These Work Groups include: Business Development, Placemaking, Workforce Development, Housing, and Infrastructure.

Mission & Vision


To realize the tremendous potential of Chautauqua County by working harmoniously to advance widespread economic growth and prosperity.


The Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth brings together public and private leaders to focus on countywide and regional economic development. It serves as the catalyst and broker of resources for advancing economic prosperity efforts and is the central coordinating entity for the formation, retention, development, and attraction of quality jobs and advancements to quality of life in Chautauqua County. The Partnership fulfills its mission through the following strategic initiatives:

  • Providing proactive leadership on issues that affect business growth, challenges to job creation and the long-term competitiveness of our economy.
  • Developing vibrant places with enriching experiences for citizens and visitors alike with dynamic communities in which to live.
  • Synthesizing workforce, entrepreneurial and small business development with business development objectives.
  • Facilitating entrepreneurial growth and the retention and expansion of primary employers and key industries.
  • Driving development, marketing, and attraction of targeted businesses to our greater community.

2023 by the Numbers

In 2023, CCPEG focused on advancing 26 priority projects in alignment with the Economic Development Strategy. The Partnership also provided $459,250 in financial assistance and technical assistance to support several dozen partner-led projects and initiatives that support economic revitalization and long-term strategic investment throughout Chautauqua County. In addition, the Partnership was awarded 11 grants in 2023, totaling $1,181,902 and leveraged an additional $28,251,040 on behalf of its partners. 


Partner Organizations Engaged


Grants Awarded


Projects Assisted


CCPEG Funding Secured


Partnership Meetings


26 Projects, Totaling

Funds Allocated to Support Implementation of CHQ Co Strategic Plan Economic Development Plan Projects:

26 Projects, Totaling



Additional Dollars Leveraged

CCPEG Work Groups

Workforce Development

Act as one voice in preparing the future workforce and developing the current workforce resulting in competitive, successful, thriving businesses, and establish a brand identity as the “Work Belt” region in the U.S.A.

Business Development

Ensure Chautauqua County fosters a positive environment for the creation and expansion of small and large businesses and prepares development-ready sites throughout the county. Identifies challenges that need to be overcome by businesses in order to grow and thrive, while identifying core sectors that should be targeted in order to optimize key assets and amenities.


Promote distinct public spaces that enhance community identity, promote unique experiences and destinations, and create social connections throughout Chautauqua County. Encourage unique senses of place that build upon and prioritize public and private investment that creates healthy, vibrant, walkable communities characterized by thriving tourism attractions, downtowns, and enhanced waterfronts specific to Chautauqua County.

Housing Development

Engage and support municipal leaders, housing agencies, investors, homeowners, and tenants through projects that improve the county’s housing stock and remove blight to provide a diverse range of housing styles in developed, walkable communities to meet the demands of today’s workers and active adults.


Partner with municipalities, utility districts, and related stakeholders to identify, develop, and secure funding for a wide range of infrastructure projects, especially those that align with the Chautauqua County Economic Development Strategic Plan or enhance or leverage previous investment in economic development within Chautauqua County.

CCPEG Projects & Initiatives

CCPEG focuses on advancing priority projects in alignment with the Economic Development Strategy.

CCPEG Support for Economic Development Projects

In 2021, the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC), the umbrella organization of CCPEG, accepted a three-year, $1.05 million grant award from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation. This grant was designed to provide critical local-matching dollars for catalytic economic and community development projects. Some of the dollars from this grant will be distributed through the 2024 CCPEG Support for Economic Development Projects.

CCPEG offers resources for select projects identified to have the potential for transformational county-wide impact. Support includes technical assistance, and match requirements for local, state, or federal grants being used for projects that align with the Chautauqua County Economic Development Strategic Plan, or other projects that enhance or leverage previous investment in economic development within Chautauqua County.

Lists of previously funded projects:

Sign up to be notified about future grant opportunities

Chautauqua County’s Economic Development Strategy

In 2018, Chautauqua County embarked upon a two-phase economic development planning process with the assistance of a nationally recognized consulting firm, Camoin Associates. The goal of this process was to work with public and private stakeholders from across the county to identify a cohesive and comprehensive strategy, and importantly, a collaborative mechanism for its implementation. Our work with stakeholders throughout Chautauqua County revealed a strong interest in collaborating to better position the county for continued economic success.

Phase I of this process (Chautauqua County Economic Development Organizational Plan) recommended the formation of a project-based, private/public economic development “collaborative” that encourages county-wide economic development stakeholders to work together in the development and implementation of a county-wide Economic Development Strategy (Phase II). This collaborative, known as the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth, was launched in 2019.

Our Investors

CCPEG is currently funded by in-kind and donations from the County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency, Chautauqua County, the Gebbie Foundation, the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation, and the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation.


By nature, the Partnership is made up of dozens of partners in and around Chautauqua County. Check out the PDF below to find information about how to contact each one.

Our Advisory Board

The CCPEG Advisory Board provides thought leadership, advice, and insight to the Partnership, bringing a variety of expertise and experience.


  • Mark Geise, Founder and Partnership Co-Chair, County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency
  • Dan Heitzenrater, Partnership Co-Chair, Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce
  • Paul M. Wendel, Jr., Chautauqua County Executive
  • Kevin Muldowney, Chautauqua County Legislature PED Committee Chairman
  • Greg Edwards, Business Development Work Group, Gebbie Foundation
  • Gina Paradis, Housing Co-Chair, Chautauqua County Land Bank
  • Andrew Nixon, Placemaking Co-Chair, Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau
  • Katie Geise, Workforce Readiness and Development Co-Chair, Workforce Investment Board
  • Courtney Curatolo, Business Development Co-Chair, Small Business Development Center
  • Vince DeJoy, Placemaking Work Group, City of Dunkirk
  • Diane Hannum, Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation
  • Tory Irgang, Chautauqua Regional Community Foundation
  • Crystal Surdyk, Placemaking Co-Chair, City of Jamestown
  • Sham Bahgat, Bahgat & Laurito-Bahgat
  • Vacant, Infrastructure Work Group Co-Chair