Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation

The Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC) is a local development corporation (LDC) originally incorporated in 1986 pursuant to the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law (NFPCL).
CREDC acts as a tool for advancing strategic projects and initiatives, including receiving grant funds for various projects. CREDC also applies for grant funding to support economic development activities in Chautauqua County through the County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG). CCPEG is not a separate entity, but exists as a program initiated in 2019 by the County and CCIDA.
CCIDA consists of a nine-member Board of Directors, which also serves as the board overseeing CREDC and CRC.
CREDC Mission & Goals
CREDC’s mission is to relieve and reduce unemployment, to promote and provide for additional and maximum employment, to maintain job opportunities and to better-said job opportunities, to instruct or train individuals to improve or to develop their capabilities for jobs, to carry on scientific research for the purpose of aiding the community or geographical area by attracting industry to the community or area, or by encouraging the development of or retention of an industry in the community or area and to lessen the burden of government and to act in the public interest. The public objective of each and every one of the purposes enumerated above is to stimulate employment opportunities, job training and industrial development in the Chautauqua region.
CREDC serves as an umbrella organization and tool for the advancement of several strategic projects and initiates including:
- Tourism
- Real Estate
- Transportation
- Community Development
- Workforce Development
Agency Documents
Find and review various CREDC documents including meeting minutes and agendas, annual reports, RFPs, and more.
CCPEG Projects & Initiatives
Learn more about various projects and initiatives involving the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth.

Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth
Since 2019, CREDC has worked toward moving various projects and initiatives forward through the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG), which serves as the main convener of economic development partners and resources to advance key projects that achieve economic prosperity in Chautauqua County. It also serves as the catalyst and broker of resources for advancing economic prosperity efforts and is the central coordinating entity for the formation, retention, development, and attraction of quality jobs and advancements to the quality of life.