County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency

The County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA) is a Public Benefit Corporation of the State of New York. Industrial Development Agencies were formed by a “Special Act” of the New York State Legislature in 1972, and are governed by the New York State Industrial Development Act to provide financial incentives to projects that have a positive economic impact on a community. CCIDA was created in 1972 by this special act at the request of the Chautauqua County Legislature.
CCIDA consists of a nine-member Board of Directors, which also serves as the board overseeing CREDC and CRC.
CCIDA Mission & Goals
Mission Statement
The CCIDA is an economic development organization authorized and empowered by the State of New York to make Chautauqua County a better place to work, live, and visit. We facilitate development by attracting new businesses, while promoting the retention and expansion of existing businesses. Assistance in the forms of incentives – tax abatements, low interest loans, and bond financing – enhances the opportunities for job creation and retention by our businesses.
Business Attraction
Attract businesses, visitors, and new residents by maintaining a skilled workforce, developing infrastructure, and creating a dynamic environment in which to work, live, and visit.
Proactive outreach to identify potential business retention and expansion opportunities, and continued support after incentives are provided.
We build capacity through staff development/education; educational outreach to the business community; continued membership on local, regional, and national economic development organizations; and maintenance of appropriate staffing levels to deliver quality services.
Our Impact
CCIDA provides a significant positive impact to the economic wellbeing of Chautauqua County.
PILOT & Loan Supported Projects
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